Group Reporting:


Consolidate and report in real-time based on latest legislation and (tax) accounting rules.

Consolidate, report and disclose with ease and confidence

Save time during the group close by automating and standardizing your consolidation processes, reporting and disclosure activities. Ensure consolidated financial statement integrity and transparency while reducing collaboration time and accounting costs. Enhance real-time insight for decision making purposes always based on latest legislation and (tax) accounting rules.

Who does not want to improve and speed up the decision making process based on real time insight in consolidated figures?

Eliminate time consuming activities, such as reading to many e-mails and reviewing numerous of documents and reports each group close, that slow you down and prevent you from reporting and disclosing your consolidated numbers on time.

Cpmview unifies, streamlines and simplifies consolidation and disclosure processes for mid-market to large enterprises using modern and innovative technologies.

Learn more

about our financial data quality, financial consolidation, tax reporting, ESG reporting, and corporate disclosure management solutions.
Financial Data Quality ensuring timely and reliable data
Financial Consolidation powered by leading modern and proven solutions
Tax Reporting use our extensive experience at multiple international (holding) companies
ESG Reporting gain insight into your ESG performance
Corporate Disclosure Management last mile of reporting

Software Solutions

for consolidation & group reporting
SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting Learn more about SAP S/4HANA for Group Reporting
OneStream Software Learn more about Group Reporting with OneStream Software
Fluence Technologies Learn more about consolidation with Fluence Technoligies
Talk further with one of our ADVISORS
Iñaki Sota
Principal Solution Architect

What are the key benefits of our group reporting solutions?

Why is cpmview a specialist in group reporting?

Cpmview’s Group Reporting services helps your organization to:

  • automate group reporting tasks and processes;
  • eliminate manual non-core activities during the close;
  • centralize, simplify, and standardize the group close;
  • ensure financial integrity from ledger to disclosure.

Wouldn’t you like to have your consolidated figures ready within days instead of weeks?

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